Tuesday 10 March 2009

Study on your own with my help

Hi my dear students. I am sure you are missing me a lot...

I wanted to help you prepare your last test. I have already explained to you the indirect speech. I told you I would give you a more complete table.

Go to the following page


When you feel confident with all the information (I know it's dense), do the exercises in your workbooks. I will give you the answers in class. Yes I will be with you again on Thursday.

Study hard. We are almost there, next to San Jose's minibreak and Easter time.

See you in class

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

teacher, I'm Sara Alonso (2ºA) I would like to tell you one thing about the test (unit 5 and 6) The exercice five (phrasal verbs) in one of the sentences I didn't put the subject because I erased it with tipp-ex. I'm sorry. :(
Have a nice week-end!!

Sara. Kisses